joi, mai 29, 2008

To be or not to be

Actually the real question is:" to accept or not the gay people?" to tolarate them?
Hmmm let me put it this way...Do i have the right to tell you who to love or how to make sex? NO!!Do you care if i tell u that oral or anal sex is bad? No, you don't. If u like it you will do it no matter what people say...So why all this violence and hate for the gay people ...Well imao only a retard would beat someone only because he has another sexual orientation...
This is for guys:You love to watch lebi movies, but most of you when u hear about gay u're acting like you're on fire...Why? Do you think they all want your ass? Hmmph if that is your problem then try just for a minute to search for some pictures ..most gays just look awesome...they care about their health and please stop over-appreaciating yourselves.You are probably not that good!And if you really have the looks, I can assume that you know how to say"I'm not interested"..or "Sorry i'm into girls"; you do not have to act like dumb-asses and punch them...Have you ever been punched because you are straight?You'll probably say no are normal why should you be punched?ok,ok But what's normal? how do u define normal?...And who the
hack are you to tell what's normal or not?...Have you ever heard about Leonardo Da Vinci?yeah, the italian polymath...HE liked MEN...does this make him less of a genius? You would have want to kill him too? Elton John...does his sexual orientatin stop him from singing good?...What about the tv series "Married with Children"?(The Bundy Familly) did you know that Marcy(Amanda Bearse) is lesbi? Is that stopping you from laughing, enjoying the movie?....It is well known that in Ancient Greece men were having sex with eachothers...still that didn't stop them from beeing one of the most amazing civilization...Read also something about the Japan's sex life ...Until 324 A.D., homosexual marriages were common in Roman life until emperor Constintius II outlawed them...think more about what's normal and not...imagine yourself in a society were 80% are gay ...and you are straight... would u like to be forced to hide your love and not to be able to marry the one you want?...Or just for the deceptiveness you'll marry a man?

None is stopping you from having sex however you like ...we probably don't even heard about you...but we sure heard about Da Vinci, Japan, Marcy, my advice:go and try to delf-culture yourself..and then if u'll become a genius or someone could fight for your beliefs with the right arms...

If homosexuality is a sin, then so is love itself.
Why is it so wrong to marry the same sex? Isn't it worse to marry your own cousin (incest is a sin in the bible as well) or marry someone just for his or her money?
same old me,

2 comentarii:

daimon spunea...


I'll continue in the same key [and language, since you seem quite comfortable with it],

but I'll be as short as possible.

being gay ain't no big deal only from a superficial point of view. think of it -- the purpose of a female in life, biologically speaking, is to reproduce, and the male's is to nail as many females as possible.

now, if you turn people into gays, women suddenly lose their purpose. alas there's not many gays in there. men stay the same, biologically, for they still fulfill their sexual destiny.

maybe it's just me, but I can't imagine a world without women. no way. gaiety (?) is a deviation, acceptable, but perhaps it's best it stays a deviation.

one gain, though - once intersexual intercourse is reduced to its reproductory purpose, a whole layer of human behaviour goes away -- the need to court females, the need of testing a relationship prior to marriage, the fuss, the uncertainty, a male just fuck another male and it's over. then he has time for more interesting stuff in his life, than to invest it in a woman.

now, it's up to you to decide if you want that or not. or if a lesbian would suffice for you. as I said, maybe I'm prejudiced, but the old-fashioned way works just fine for me.

alex out.

corpus_perlucidus spunea...

dear dude daimon...
o sa continui in romana ca asa am chef:))
Biologic vorbind...scopul femeii e sa se reproduca...dar ca barbatul sa aiba scop biologic sa f... cat mai multe femei..hmm sry deja ai depasit limita bilogica ...

Cat despre partea a doua tin sa mentionez ca actul sexual deja si-a pierdut scopul...lumea "se fute"...putini o mai fac cu scopul de a avea copii...multi o fac anal:))) si din cate stiu eu asa nu ies copii...altii o fac nici asa nu prea ies copii...stiu ce ai vrut sa spui...dar nu ai dreptate...Daca homosexualii ar fi urmarit doar partea sexuala , as fi zis ca au distrus acel moment de testare a relatiei...momentul in care "faci curte"...dar oamenii vor sa aiba posibilitatea sa se casatoreasca cu cine vor...
DACA E O BOALA?...NEBUNIE..?Nu stiu..dar nici nu prea conteaza ..daca vor sa se casatoreasca intre ei ar trebui sa fie lasati sa o faca...
Problema cred ca e mai dificila in cazul adoptiilor...aici inca nush pe ce parte a baricadei sunt...
Ce-ar fi sa-ti interzic sa iubesti o femeie cu tzatze mari doar pt ca majoritatea le are mici?Sau sa te casatoresti cu ea?
DEfapt voiam sa pun accent mai mult pe heterosexualii aia care iau o maciuca in desfigureaza un om doar pt ca e gay...sau a alora care-s bat nevestele doar ptca nu i-au lasat sa bea... cred ca sunt mai bonavi, sau mai nebuni decat homosexualii...


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